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Rock Valley College Archives

A guide to items located in the Rock Valley College archives

Archives Access

The RVC Archives are located on the 2nd floor of the RVC Library (Estelle M. Black Library, Educational Resource Center, ERC 2306), and are open to researchers by appointment only, Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays 8 am-5:00 pm. Make an appointment by contacting Lukas Wenner (815-921-4603).

All researchers are requested to register, providing their name, address, phone number(s), signature, student or other identification number, and their research topic. All records are processed, classified, and arranged under the supervision of Archives personnel. These records are available to the College community for research or reference unless the originating office has placed restrictions on the public use of its records. In this case, prior permission must be obtained from the originating office.

In order to assist us with the preservation of our materials, please follow these guidelines while visiting the RVC Archives:

  1. Archival material does not circulate. Never remove anything from the archives without the knowledge and permission of archives staff.
  2. No ink of any kind may be used at the research table, use pencils only. Computers may be used at the research table at the discretion of the archives.
  3. Smoking, eating, and drinking are prohibited in the archives.
  4. All archival materials must be handled carefully. Use only one folder at a time and keep the papers in their existing order. Do not lean or press on archival materials. Do not trace maps or other records.
  5. Researchers are advised that it is their responsibility, not the archives, to obtain copyright clearance to publish or otherwise distribute archival material. Whenever possible, the archivist will provide the names and address of copyright holders.
  6. If citing material from the archives, the form should be as follows (after identification of the item and title of record group, when applicable):

[ITEM DESCRIPTION], [COLLECTION TITLE], Rock Valley College Archives, Estelle M. Black Library, Rock Valley College, Rockford, Illinois.